The Drawing

Suddenly a face smiles mockingly
Sarmiento street,  number  one thousand and...

Fourth Story ?

Drawing and painting Workshop.

The teacher has given the group an instruction : to draw lines that intersect in planes in a random way and then, with the result, make a drawing.

And afterwards they have to paint it, with tempera, using full colour as well as the  complementary ones ...

Alicia carefully places the sheet on the  drawing board, traces some curves  and tries to see the hidden figures ...       

Norma comes over and says that with this command nobody can draw ...She is clearly  upset ...

Alice decides to help her and  hastily replies that it is possible to draw  with those given indications...

And to confirm her words she begins to draw - as fast as she is able to- something  that will be a city and its surroundings...

The curves are filled, some lines are deleted, the planes are defined slowly, the  paper is cleaned.
The colours, all of them,  begin to unfold ...

Alicia absorbed in her work forgets Norma, who, standing by her side, looks at her drawing...

The city moves forward. A pot of yoghurt with a flower is defining the left side, upwards, the suburb ...

It is  followed by the small people mountains  with their domes and tiny stairs. There is a candy lantern and a moon.

Then there comes the residential area with the  parks... Suddenly a face smiles mockingly from the drawing. It has a crown of leaves! ...

The sun is over a path on the left.

Below, the skyscrapers that curve towards the sun, define the downtown, and a lighted match over  circles indicates, danger : traffic lights.

Across the street there is a building that seems to be  a temple. Towards the right there is a bridge, near it a shed.

Just behind there are some curved leaves and elves dancing on a park.

All the lights are turned on, and all the houses seem to have faces! ...

Alice looks at her drawing. She is knowing it. There is still a lot of work to do but...

She turns happy to Norma.  She wants to share her joy and confirm that she has convinced  her...

But Norma has gone .
She will never return to the studio...

Alicia calls her drawing "Casitas para Viviana" ...  
                                     Arelisa Beatriz Romero.

Little houses for Viviana. CASITAS PARA VIVIANA
 Story published with the signature of Arelisa Suoboda, on december 1998, in number 17th.of Ciencias Milenarias, Editorial Ediser,
Protected by copyright.
The painting "Casitas para Viviana", was published as part of  the story " The drawing".
Also it was showed in the University of Buenos Aires, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry , in a group exhibition.
The paintings are protected by copyright and they cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the paintress.