Eye for eye, tooth for tooth ... Clove garlic? Dandelion?...DINNER.

It's only seven  and the table is ready.
A white and embroidered tablecloth covers  it gleaming .
In the middle, the delicate blue glass, with three pansies colour lavender and a little yellow  face...
On each side an elegant candelabrum with a pale candle, waiting...
The white dishes spin carefully keeping their place ... the cutlery, aligned according to the future use, is sparkling in competition with the glasses ...
In the bronze table already expect the wines, the ice bucket, bread and fruit, this one arranged in a baroque way in a old copper bowl ...
It's only eight ...
Nine o'clock. The candles are anxious ... A soft perfume emanates from a jasmine floating in water. It plays with the music that is also expecting...
The lights have been turned on,  also the blue one that illuminates the tree of the stones. 
Ten  ... candles fade away slowly ...
The table is silent. The jasmine  still perfumes but it does not play with the music any more...
The wines fly to the cellar ...humbly retires the bread ...the courageous fruits still dare to shine, but the pansies* seem sad...
It only remains to wait ...
Just wait one more day ...
twenty-one hours more.  
Arelisa Beatriz Romero
Vaso con pensamientosVase with pansies-
 Notes for the english version:
In this text there is a wordplay  with the word tooth because in spanish you may say : tooth of garlic(clove of garlic) and tooth of lion(dandelion). 

Clove of garlic. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allium_sativum
Dandelion:See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taraxacum_officinale

** In this text there is also a wordplay with the word pensamiento , which can may be referred in Spanish indistinctly to a flower : pansy, or to a thought, from verb to think. 

Posted with the signature of   Arelisa Suoboda  in November 1998, Supplement to the number 15  of  Ciencias Milenarias, Editorial EDISER - www.croattodesign.com.ar. Protected by copyright .
The painting Vaso con pensamientos- Vase with pansies-, was not part of the original edition. It is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission of the artist.


Painting over canvas, mixed technique. Title : Escondidos.( Hidden) Copyright Arelisa Beatriz Romero 

Greetings for the New Year!
As a gift, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, 
I invite you to look and LISTEN ! the Video with photos and ¡TANGO!

Opening of the exhibition "De serranillas y..."

 Master Nicolás Ledesma plays :Tango 



A Song, a poem , the music, the colours ...    the words ...                                                    

I don't know if I ever told you, but you are not and I miss you.

I don't know if you noticed, but I followed your advice : the living-room's cushions  are turquoise colour.

I need you to tell me the tenor's name, and to tune my guitar ... Did you notice? Bruno Gelber  is back again in Colon Theatre! ... I want to hear you playing the piano ... It has past such a long time since we  sang in two voices!

 I´ll tell you about the last book I read. It deals  about the history of religions, from an anthropological point of view, of course ... And I saw Krishnamurti on TV ... You would have been fascinated ...

The linen towels you gave me are beautiful. I use them all the time. I almost worn out the one with the lavender and yellow  flowers .
Today you liked  The Nutcracker so muchAnd you laughed with Murphy Brown ...

I wonder what lies behind your silence ... I don't realize if you know it's your birthday, and Viviana marries today ...

Did you see the tree that Horacio planted for you ? The one that is called Angel's Trumpet. Well, it's gorgeous and has two beautiful flowers ... On Saturday I took a photo of it.

I wonder where you left your words ...
If I knew where, I would go and look for them...

It is a sadness so deep not to hear you!... because you speak so well, and you have  so much  grace ...

I wonder where your words  are  but  I hear you ... I clearly  hear the tone of  your voice and I listen to it ... And also I hear it back in the distance  when I get into the school bus, safe, happy, because you told me that everything would be fine...

And all went fine ... always, in one way or another, everything went fine ...
Be very happy, and thank you, thank you very much, Mom!!!

                                                 Arelisa Beatriz Romero

Words (Palabras)
Story published with the signature of Arelisa Suoboda at number 18 Ciencias Milenarias - Editorial Ediser - www.croattodesign.com.ar , in March 1999.
Protected by copyright.
The photo Palabras (Words), was part of the text. It is protected by copyright and cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the authoress.

• Bruno Leonardo Gelber , famous Argentine pianist born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on March 19, 1941.
• Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 - 1986), was a well known writer and speaker on philosophical and spiritual matters. The main issues included the psychological revolution, the purpose of meditation, human relationships, the nature of mind and how to produce a positive change in the global society.
• The Nutcracker , ballet  by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893).
• Murphy Brown was an American television serie broadcasted by CBS between 1988 and 1998 with the starring of the actress Candice Bergen.


Today the fairy dawned on my elbow...
Today the fairy dawned on my elbow.
I couldn't believe it, but I checked.
When I lifted the shirt sleeve I saw the wounds of her sharp little teeth...

It is useless to attempt to reason ... but... why the elbow ...? it is going to bother me when I lean on the table...

I should have to seek for help, but who will believe me?...Also, how do I explain to Maria about the scratches on the elbow? Well, the elbow is not a very erotic place ... perhaps she won't realize ...

But if the fairy doesn’t go and continues biting me, I'll have to wear bandages...
Certainly Maria will want to take care of me. ...God, the fairy may  jump on her! ...
It's a revenge for applying Hadalminus in my head ... Of course, she was comfortable, warm ...
But I am almost hairless ... She pulls out one by one to knit ...
I thought she would be afraid of the lotion ...
I thought she had gone forever ... But no ... she is here ... in my right elbow...

I hate to  think what other place she may choose... It could be something awful ....
If she would listen to me....but she is very capricious, she wants her nest ...

Well ...I washed my head and I showed the fairy how I threw the Hadalminus down the toilet ... Maria thinks I'm crazy, but she doesn't know what is to live with a fairy ...

She already realized ...Ouch! She pulled off another hair! ... She must be knitting again ... I´ll see soon   another small cloth falling on my shoulder ...

Anyway, it is going to pass some time until I  become bald... Then  peace will come ... or the end ... who knows ... maybe at last she will listen, perhaps at last she will understand ...

                                                    Arelisa Beatriz Romero

El Hada Tejiendo. (The fairy weaving )
Story published with the signature of Arelisa Suoboda in December 1998, in  number 16th. of Ciencias Milenarias - Editorial EDISER – www.croattodesign.com.ar  . Protected by copyright.

The painting in tempera  EL Hada (The Fairy), was part of the original edition. It is protected by copyright. It cannot be reproduced  totally or partially  without the permission of the paintress. 
The painting  El hada tejiendo (The fairy weaving )was not part of the original text . It is protected by copyright. It cannot be reproduced totally or partially without the permission of the paintress.

The Drawing

Suddenly a face smiles mockingly
Sarmiento street,  number  one thousand and...

Fourth Story ?

Drawing and painting Workshop.

The teacher has given the group an instruction : to draw lines that intersect in planes in a random way and then, with the result, make a drawing.

And afterwards they have to paint it, with tempera, using full colour as well as the  complementary ones ...

Alicia carefully places the sheet on the  drawing board, traces some curves  and tries to see the hidden figures ...       

Norma comes over and says that with this command nobody can draw ...She is clearly  upset ...

Alice decides to help her and  hastily replies that it is possible to draw  with those given indications...

And to confirm her words she begins to draw - as fast as she is able to- something  that will be a city and its surroundings...

The curves are filled, some lines are deleted, the planes are defined slowly, the  paper is cleaned.
The colours, all of them,  begin to unfold ...

Alicia absorbed in her work forgets Norma, who, standing by her side, looks at her drawing...

The city moves forward. A pot of yoghurt with a flower is defining the left side, upwards, the suburb ...

It is  followed by the small people mountains  with their domes and tiny stairs. There is a candy lantern and a moon.

Then there comes the residential area with the  parks... Suddenly a face smiles mockingly from the drawing. It has a crown of leaves! ...

The sun is over a path on the left.

Below, the skyscrapers that curve towards the sun, define the downtown, and a lighted match over  circles indicates, danger : traffic lights.

Across the street there is a building that seems to be  a temple. Towards the right there is a bridge, near it a shed.

Just behind there are some curved leaves and elves dancing on a park.

All the lights are turned on, and all the houses seem to have faces! ...

Alice looks at her drawing. She is knowing it. There is still a lot of work to do but...

She turns happy to Norma.  She wants to share her joy and confirm that she has convinced  her...

But Norma has gone .
She will never return to the studio...

Alicia calls her drawing "Casitas para Viviana" ...  
                                     Arelisa Beatriz Romero.

Little houses for Viviana. CASITAS PARA VIVIANA
 Story published with the signature of Arelisa Suoboda, on december 1998, in number 17th.of Ciencias Milenarias, Editorial Ediser, www.croattodesign.com.ar.
Protected by copyright.
The painting "Casitas para Viviana", was published as part of  the story " The drawing".
Also it was showed in the University of Buenos Aires, School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry , in a group exhibition.
The paintings are protected by copyright and they cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the paintress.


"Cosas vederes Sancho, que non crederes…" *
  ( You will not believe Sancho, in what you´ll see). 

It is a magic box , and it must give gifts to her temporary owner, but ...
I was wrong again ... In spite I had obtained the data from the box.

This one passes from one generation to another to the next woman born into the family, if she accepts - or getting it voluntarily, through a donation.
And I accepted .

It is a magic box , and it must give gifts to her temporary owner, but ...
The problem is that it has no instructions for use. (like those that come in various languages, with the electric stoves, for example) ...

It is there still and silent. If you want an answer or solution you have to figure out how to get it ...
I opened, reviewed, and studied it , but nothing,  it is a simply  lacquered box.
It  has not even have a lock. It is closed just overlapping the cover .
A persistent , charming perfume surrounds it.

Perhaps it comes from the tangled golden drawings that cover it : branches of a tree with fruits and birds. Is it possible that they could have the answer?
Perhaps it comes from the tangled golden drawings that cover it 
I counted the number of birds, they appear to be eight, but I'm not sure, some branches and leaves can be something else. To count the leaves is almost impossible, so it is with the branches and fruits ...
And if the solution is not numbering? ...
... And if I had to calculate up to  ... the evening, for example ... and with this data get an algorithm to indicate a letter, symbol, something ...
I tried many things since I have the box. And every time I thought I had found an answer...but I was wrong.
I remember my aunt's smile, which I felt was wise, when she  asked me if I wanted the box and I accepted it.

Maybe her smile was one of relief, and  her wisdom ...  getting rid of it?                                            
                                                       Arelisa Beatriz Romero

And  at each time I thought I had found an answer...but I was wrong.
Note: *  
In ancient spanish, sentence assigned to " Don Quijote de la Mancha" novel by  Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra about 1605-1615(two volumes)..

Story published with the signature of Arelisa Suoboda  in July 1999, number 21 of Ciencias Milenarias - Editorial Ediser .  www.croattodesign.com.ar .
Protected by copyright. 

The images are protected by copyright and  they cannot be reproduced in whole or  in part without  the  permission of the authoress.

Sometimes I find it, the rainbow.

Sometimes I find it. The rainbow ...

It happens in the place where the gnome hides his caldron with the gold, between the grass wet and green, bright green, which produces vertigo.

A red dot ... the gnome is not far...

The perfume of the forest is sparkling as almost as much as the water drops in which the rainbow holds itself. I climb up the colours, I wrap myself in them and become green, blue, orange, purple, violet...

While I'm turning with the arms relaxed, the white robe is displayed towards the infinite colour. And over the hair the drops twinkle and crystallize raising again the scent of the forest...
The gnome, curious and suspicious, comes out of his hiding place to spy me, his face appears between two giants lilies.
I smile to him, I greet him : hello friend, hello brother. I won't ruin your grass, I won't touch your treasure, I'm playing with the colours and the fragrance of the forest ... he appears to agree because he continues on his own and  doesn´t  pay attention to me any more.

By my side the rainbow gives its hand to the painter and smiles.
                                         Arelisa Beatriz Romero

Sometimes I find it.The rainbow...
Published with the signature of Arelisa Suoboda in May 1999, number 20 of  Ciencias MilenariasEditorial EDISER -  www.croattodesign.com.ar  Protected by copyright
Note: The painting  "Sometimes I find it ... the Rainbow" was not part of the original edition. It is protected by copyright. It cannot be reproduced  in whole or in part without the permission of the paintress.

Story not to mourn. The unkown.

"I would like to see them. They say they are like us, but it is hard to believe, because..."

If I could express  my weariness in front of so many machines, they would burn me alive in the town square.

Rather complicated task because there isn't town  nor square.
Besides I believe  that there are people  who can  prevent one  from being burnt.
Or perhaps there are laws. Who knows...

They tell us that in the old times  there were places where these things were taught.
It's true , they told me in the lodge that in those sites it was possible  to choose what one wanted to learn.
I don't  believe it.  At most  they would  let you to pick  a hint -perhaps  a yellow pansy* - . I'd like that.

How was all before? It is said that there were towns and squares.
And people  who could go to and fro ...

Now that I manage to think,  I don't  know how I can be writing this.
It must be an effect of the visit  they  made me a few minutes ago.
They may want to reveal us something, as always ... I would like to see them.
They say  they are like us, but it is hard to believe, because nous sommes * * all different.
I think  they might be like "Three"***, he is round and orange.

Besides not all of us can write on the  machine ("Three", for example, is not able).
Some of us  have to concentrate hard, after we are visited, and then the letters begin to appear in the screen.
But although we are all  different, when we write we all do it in the same way...Someone has managed to change the font colour, but nobody the format.

Just now I remember where I live, but I  know too that afterwards  I'll forget it.
I remember as well where I spend my days, separating the chaff  from the wheat, in those  large boxes.
I can't remember, however, how long ago do I exist...  perhaps  I have  existed  always  .

We met with "Three" at the lodge, where we find us  suddenly, without knowing  how. We are five (now I know).
But in  the meeting we don't know. We see diverse shapes, with whom  we can communicate in different ways but nothing else ...

And they come and tell us about the city, about how was the former era ...
We cannot see them. We don't  know why they tell us  so many things.
Also, we don’t  remember what they say until we start to write.

Sometimes "Three" and I  can talk a little, but rarely.

When I have finished  writing, this screen will disappear.
I don't know if it is removed for ever, maybe someone recovers and reads it. I never can, not even "Three" ...

Soon I'll stop writing and  separating the wheat from the chaff, I will be happy again ... 
                                             Arelisa Beatriz Romero

"And they come and relate us about the city, about how was the former era ..."

Notes for the english version:
In this text there is  a wordplay with the word Pensamiento  , which may be referred in Spanish indistinctly to a flower : pansy, or to a thought, from verb to think. 
**nous sommes in french : we are.

***The name of a character in this story is "Three." Quotes have been placed in this name to be identified as such. Here is a wordplay. 

Story published with the signature of Arelisa Suoboda, in april 1999, number 19th. of Ciencias Milenarias, Editorial Ediser, - . www.croattodesign.com.ar . Protected by   copyright. 
The paintings "Me gustaría verlos..." (I would like to see them) and  "...cómo era la Era de antes..."(how was the former Era ) were not part of the original edition. They are protected by copyright and cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the paintress.

Magic Abacus

Ábaco Mágico Solar
 from Magic Abacus exhibition.-march 2007.

What is the use of the magic abacus? We know they have been and are still used  to anticipate and / or to diagnose events, as a model from which you can make works of music, of paint, of self-knowledge, technical matters, mathematical, architectural, and so on...
The only condition to use properly the magic abacus is to have full knowledge of them.

A magic square is obtained by dividing it into cells, also square, where the numbers are placed in a regular progression, arranged in such way that if you add them in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal form you obtain the same amount.

Making a magic square is an ancient entertainment and it is still used by amateurs and mathematicians.
They have been used -and this happens nowadays- in games of wit or random, as a source of inspiration for artistic compositions and to diagnose and anticipate events ...

The following is a magic square of  9 (nine) cells. It is the smallest one to be obtained :


It is composed by the first 9 integer digits of the natural numbers’s system and  it is called of Saturn . Its constant - sum of each row, column and diagonal, is number 15.

What evokes us a square figure?
It takes us to the  geometry world, the natural kingdom , the golden number and the tissue between science, myth, art and history from which we emerge.

Why a square has been called Magic?

In first place, the word magic suggests us the concept Magister, which means Teacher and - if we take note of this sense - we should be aware of the teachings that we can obtain of  the magic-square-teacher.

In this regard, remember that the tarot arcana number 15 is assigned, among other interpretations to: the scientist, the devil. And Saturn is called the old devil, and also the old teacher.

Heinrich Cornelius -“ Agrippa” - assigned the name by which this magic square is known: Magic Saturn Abacus.

Let us analyze the constant 15. The number 15 is equal to 3 times the central number of the abacus: 5 ...
We revive Russian fairy tales, in which the zarevitz should arrive to the country three times 9, beyond the country 3 times ...

The number 15 is also relevant in Astrology.
Not only because obviously the zodiacal signs are equal to 15
degrees x 2 (30 degrees), but because most of the aspects used are multiples of 15. To wit:









It remains to analyse, among others, numbers 18, 36, 72, and 144*, all divisible by 9 (nine), number of cells of this magic square. We´ll return over this topic.

And what  may we add about the square ...? We thought it spinning in space, it shows the cube´s faces , the  pyramid´s base, a king’s throne , a charming crystal emerging... It is impossible to delimit all  the images ...

Let’s go back to the constant 15. Remember that 15 degrees are contained 24 times in the interior angles of a square, and we know that 24 x 9 - number of boxes of this magic abacus- is equal to 216 which happens to be the number of Heaven to the ancient Chinese.

From the historical point of view,  the oldest magical abacus  that has been reported is about the fourth century BC. It comes from China.

According to legend, it was carved on the caparison  of a turtle -as a world model.
This turtle emerged from the Yellow River (Lo River) in the presence of  the mythical hero YU, after he had reduced the waters  to duty, having disciplined the rivers.

YU was founder and demiurge, master blacksmith, and an expert surveyor. He received a mandate from heaven by which he should order the world according to the image inscribed on the caparison of the turtle, so the Earth -square- could be cultivated. Thus, YU divided the world into nine square regions. Within each region he drew the headings of the Hong Fan (Big Model).

What may represent the above headings?

A group of symbols capable of impose categories that evoke the spirit of the universal order:
Around  number 5 (as sovereign emblem of the space center) these items were simply the first numeric symbols.

With this beautiful myth we say goodbye ...
The Magic Abacus spins this time in the space..
Arelisa Beatriz Romero
This turtle emerged from the Lo River  .
* 144 was the number of the Earth to the ancient Chinese.
 If you add  to it  number 216 (number of  Sky to the ancient Chinese) we get 360.
The circle!.

Mouni Sadhu: “The Tarot”. Editorial Kier  S.A.  Bs.As. 1987
Liz Greene. “Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil”. Samuel Weiser, Inc.(York Beach, ME, 1976).
Richard Wilhelm: "YI-KING." Editorial Sudamericana. Buenos Aires 1979.
Encyclopedia /Arte Rama. 
Editorial Codex. BA 1969.
Martin Gardner "The unexpected hanging and other Mathematical Diversions”.
 Simon and Schuster 1969.
Ibero-American Encyclopedia. Madrid 1900.
Johan Gunnar Andersson "An early Chinese culture." Pekin 1923.

Research by Arelisa Beatriz Romero and Alex Piler.
Published with the signatures of Alex Piler and Arelisa Suoboda in may 1998, in number 11th of  Ciencias Milenarias, 
- Editorial EDISER :  
www.croattodesign.com.ar  .  Protected by copyright.

Note: The paintings "Abaco Mágico Solar " and "this turtle emerged from the Lo River" were not part of the original article. They are protected by copyright and they cannot be reproduced  in whole or in part without the permission of the paintress.